Why join our email list?
The purpose of our email list is to inform you about upcoming concerts and events, and keep you up-to-date on what The Master Singers is doing for our community.
Privacy Statement
We value your privacy. We will keep your email information completely confidential. We do not share your email address (or other personal information you voluntarily send to us) with other parties.
How to join our email list?
Step 1. Click "Add me to your email list" This step will automatically open your email program.
Step 2. Make sure that "add me to your email list" appears in the "Subject" of the message.
Step 3. Send the message.
How to unsubscribe?
Step 1. Click "Unsubscribe" This step will automatically open your email program.
Step 2.Make sure that "unsubscribe" appears in the "Subject" of the message.
Step 3. Send the message.
Photo: Edward J. Hynes, 2017